Welcome to RDSpace@UBT

University of Bayreuth's institutional repository for digital research data

RDSpace@UBT is freely accessible on the Internet and all provided metadata can be researched free of charge.
Research data in the repository are permanently freely available worldwide (alongside the accession by search engines, specialist search services, library catalogs, etc.) and can be cited as well as re-used under the specified legal conditions.

RDSpace@UBT offers

  • publication of scientific research data free of charge
  • worldwide and permanent free availability of the published data
  • the citability of published data (by assigning DOIs)
  • increased visibility of and by published data
  • standard retention periods of stored and published data
  • support of Open Access
Aerial view of the University of Bayreuth campusPhoto by University of Bayreuth

Communities in RDSpace@UBT

Select a community to browse its collections.

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Recent Submissions

Funding Organization
European Innovation Council
The EIC has been established under the EU Horizon Europe programme. It has a budget to support game changing innovations throughout the lifecycle from early stage research, to proof of concept, technology transfer, and the financing and scale up of start-ups and SMEs.
Funding Organization
European Research Council
The ERC, set up by the European Union in 2007, is the premier European funding organisation for excellent frontier research. It funds creative researchers of any nationality and age, to run projects based across Europe.