Arsenic metabolism in technical biogas plants – possible consequences for resident microbiota and downstream units

Alternative Titles

Resource Type

 Taxonomic Classification /  Dataset

Creators / Authors

Date of Issue



 University of Bayreuth

Abstract & Descriptions


Taxonomic classification of the 16S amplicon reads obtained from metagenomic DNA of biogas plants and sewage sludge digestor plants.

Method Description

Technical Description

Subjects & Keywords

DFG Research Subject Areas

 4 Engineering Sciences :: 42 Thermal Engineering / Process Engineering;
 4 Engineering Sciences :: 42 Thermal Engineering / Process Engineering :: 403 Process Engineering, Technical Chemistry;
 4 Engineering Sciences :: 42 Thermal Engineering / Process Engineering :: 403 Process Engineering, Technical Chemistry :: 403-04 Biological Process Engineering

OpenAIRE Fields of Science


 Microbiome;  Qiime2

How to cite

 Arsenic metabolism in technical biogas plants – possible consequences for resident microbiota and downstream units
In: RDSpace@UBT - University of Bayreuth's Institutional Respository for Digital Research Data. (
 2019-06-19, doi:  10.15495/do_ubt_953

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