Original Data of Publication "q-analogs of group divisible designs"

Alternative Titles

Resource Type

 Dataset /  Dataset

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 University of Bayreuth

Abstract & Descriptions


A well known class of objects in combinatorial design theory are group divisible designs. Here, we introduce the q-analogs of group divisible designs. It turns out that there are interesting connections to scattered subspaces, q-Steiner systems, packing designs and q^r-divisible projective sets. We give necessary conditions for the existence of q-analogs of group divisible designs, construct an infinite series of examples, and provide further existence results with the help of a computer search. One example is a (6,3,2,2)_2 group divisible design over GF(2) which is a packing design consisting of 180 blocks that such every 2-dimensional subspace in GF(2^6) is covered at most twice.

Method Description

Technical Description

Subjects & Keywords

DFG Research Subject Areas

 3 Natural Sciences;
 3 Natural Sciences :: 33 Mathematics;
 3 Natural Sciences :: 33 Mathematics :: 312 Mathematics;
 3 Natural Sciences :: 33 Mathematics :: 312 Mathematics :: 312-01 Mathematics

OpenAIRE Fields of Science


 Combinatorics;  Finite Geometry;  Group Divisible Design;  Subspace Design;  q-analogs of Design;  Scattered Subspace

How to cite

 Original Data of Publication "q-analogs of group divisible designs"
In: RDSpace@UBT - University of Bayreuth's Institutional Respository for Digital Research Data. (https://rdspace.uni-bayreuth.de)
 2018-07-27, doi:  10.15495/do_ubt-10150018-3693

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