Funding Organizations
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Funding Organization Funding Organization Funding Organization European Research CouncilThe ERC, set up by the European Union in 2007, is the premier European funding organisation for excellent frontier research. It funds creative researchers of any nationality and age, to run projects based across Europe.Funding Organization Funding Organization European Innovation CouncilThe EIC has been established under the EU Horizon Europe programme. It has a budget to support game changing innovations throughout the lifecycle from early stage research, to proof of concept, technology transfer, and the financing and scale up of start-ups and SMEs.Funding Organization European CommissionThe EC proposes and implements the EU budget and manages EU funding programmes. About 80% of EU funding is managed under programmes jointly administered by the European Commission and national authorities in the EU countries. Where the European Commission directly manages funding, it does so by awarding grants and launching tendering procedures. It manages the budget of projects carried out by its departments, at its headquarters, in the EU delegations or through EU executive agencies.Funding Organization Funding Organization Funding Organization Stiftung Mercator GmbHThe Society exclusively and directly pursues charitable, benevolent and scientific purposes within the meaning of the charitable regulations of the German Tax Code. The purpose of the Society is: to promote science and research, education and upbringing, art and culture, religion, international understanding, development aid, environmental protection, landscape conservation and the protection of historical monuments, the idea of homeland; to promote youth welfare, assistance for the elderly, public health, welfare and sport; general promotion of the democratic state in the Federal Republic of Germany; selfless support of persons who are dependent on the assistance of others as a result of their physical, mental or emotional condition, or other beneficiaries within the framework of § 53 AO.Funding Organization Funding Organization Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate ProtectionThe BMWK subsidises small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as well as various universities and research institutions within the framework of various funding programmes.Funding Organization Bavarian Research FoundationThe purpose of the Foundation is to promote, by additional means or otherwise, university and non-university research projects that are important for the scientific and technological development of Bavaria or for the Bavarian economy or for the protection of the natural foundations of life in accordance with Art. 131 and 141 of the Constitution, as well as the rapid utilisation of scientific findings by industry, in addition to state research funding.Funding Organization Federal Ministry of Education and ResearchThe BMBF initially provides basic funding for the German Research Foundation and the Helmholtz Association as well as part of the basic funding for the Max Planck Society and the Fraunhofer Society. In addition, it funds research projects within the framework of funding programmes.Funding Organization Robert Bosch Foundation GmbHThe Robert Bosch Foundation is one of the large, corporate-affiliated foundations in Europe. It works in the funding areas of health, education and global issues. With its charitable activities, it contributes to the development of sustainable solutions for social challenges. To this end, it implements its own projects, enters into alliances with partners and promotes third-party initiatives. Central topics in the funding area of Global Issues are peace, inequality, climate change, democracy, migration and immigration society. In the area of education, the focus is on individual and organisational learning. With its health promotion, the Foundation is committed to a sustainable health system that puts people more at the centre.Funding Organization Funding Organization Ernst Schering FoundationThe Ernst Schering Foundation promotes science and culture. Its activities are mainly operational. In the field of science promotion, the focus is on the life sciences. In particular, the Ernst Schering Foundation supports projects in the field of biological, medical and chemical basic research as well as the dialogue between science and society. The Ernst Schering Foundation awards prizes to outstanding scientists. In the field of culture, the focus is on contemporary visual and performing arts, including dance and music. In its exhibition space in Berlin-Mitte, the Foundation presents international contemporary artists with their projects developed especially for the space. The Ernst Schering Foundation Art Award honours international artists who are considered to be the most important new discoveries in the field of visual arts. The Foundation supports third-party cultural projects through an application procedure. A central theme of the Foundation's work is the identification of interfaces, especially in the border area between art and science.Funding Organization German Federal Environmental FoundationThe purpose of the Foundation is to promote research, development and innovation in the field of environmentally and health-friendly processes and products, with particular emphasis on small and medium-sized enterprises. Exchange of knowledge about the environment between science, business and other public or private bodies, projects for the communication of knowledge about the environment. Preservation and protection of nationally valuable cultural assets with regard to harmful environmental influences (model projects), preservation and restoration of the national natural heritage (projects of outstanding national importance).Funding Organization Alexander von Humboldt FoundationThe purpose of the Foundation is to promote science and research as well as intercultural understanding. The purpose of the statutes is realised in particular by the Foundation giving highly qualified academics from abroad the opportunity to carry out a research project in the Federal Republic of Germany, irrespective of gender, ethnic origin and national affiliation, religion or ideology, by granting research scholarships and research awards, by taking other measures to promote international academic cooperation and by maintaining and promoting the resulting connections.